Attention ProStores Merchants - Only 6 Days Left to EOL
Reissuing SSL certificates purchased through ProStores
Merchants with valid GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SSL certificates may be able to have their SSL certificate reissued for use with a new hosting or ecommerce provider for the remainder of the certificate’s validity period. Not all hosting providers will allow or support externally purchased certificates. Merchants should contact their new provider to confirm they will allow the installation of an externally purchased GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SSL certificate in their environment.
Review the two options below for one that best meets your needs.
Option 1: Leverage free SSL re-issue process through Certs 4 Less
A number of SSL certificate resellers can help you navigate this SSL reissuing process. One such reseller is Certs 4 Less.
Certs 4 Less is a Platinum Partner for Symantec, GeoTrust, Thawte and RapidSSLS. As a SSL certificate reseller for these popular brands, they are in a position to simplify and streamline the process to reissue a GeoTrust SSL certificate for installation in a new hosting environment. Certs 4 Less will facilitate most of the steps noted above in Option 1 through their control panel on behalf of the SSL Certificate owner.
There is no cost, risk or obligation to the certificate owner for using the Certs 4 Less service. Instead Certs 4 Less is offering this free service for the opportunity to earn your business once the certificate is due for renewal.
To learn more about the Certs 4 Less SSL migration support options, complete their web form with as much information as possible at:
A Certs 4 Less representative will contact you soon after you submit the form. No commitment is required with form submission, and Certs 4 Less will not take any action with your SSL certificate until you understand and agree to the process.
Additional Certs 4 Less contact information:
Support phone #: 1-888-818-0444
Support email:
Support phone #: 1-888-818-0444
Support email:
Option 2: Do it yourself
Important note: If you choose the self-service option to re-issue your SSL certificate, support and renewal options for the SSL certificate will still expire on 2/1/2015 when the ProStores platform closes. Working with Certs 4 Less as noted in Option 1 will eliminate the risk of losing support and renewal services on your SSL after 2/1/2015.
Follow these steps to reissue a valid GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SSL Certificate:
1. Confirm your new hosting provider will allow you to deploy a GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SSL certificate in their environment
2. Once confirmed they will support the external SSL, obtain a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) as it is required to complete the reissue process
3. If you want the ProStores storefront to resolve secure pages without warning messages after the certificate is re-issued, contact ProStores tech support via web ticket and request “SSL removal from ProStores account in preparation for SSL reissue”. Requests are processed within 24 hours, Monday-Friday. Requests must be submitting in writing to insure accurate processing. This step will not be valid after January 31, 2015 when your online store has been shutdown. This step can also be skipped if you do not need the ProStores checkout pages to resolve without errors after the certificate is reissued.
4. Confirm removal of your dedicated SSL certificate and automatic use of the ProStores shared SSL certificate by navigating to a secure page in the checkout flow of your storefront. The URL should change from your custom domain to “” or “” or “”. This step will not be valid after January 31, 2015 when your online store has been shutdown. This step can also be skipped if you do not need your ProStores storefront secure pages to resolve after the certificate is reissued.
5. Go to the GeoTrust User Authentication page:
6. Enter Fully qualified domain name or common name (i.e. or depending how the order was submitted) or Order ID for the most recent SSL purchase
7. Enter the email address used for most recent GeoTrust SSL purchase
8. Enter 5-digit number displayed in the image
9. Click Continue
10. A list of all certificates that meet the Common Name and contact e-mail criteria will appear
11. Click the Request Access button next to the order being reissued under the View Order Information column
12. A Order Information Request email will be sent to the contact email address provided at the SSL purchase time within minutes
13. Upon receipt of the Order Information Request email from GeoTrust, click the "To continue, please visit" link in the email to access the Manage Order page that lists the details of the certificate order
14. Click the “Reissue Certificate” link on the left-hand side of the page
15. Copy and paste the new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) provided by your new hosting company or ecommerce provider into the blank Certificate Signing Requirement field on the Reissue Certificate page. Contact your new hosting company for instructions on creating a new CSR for their environment. They may need to create it for you upon request. Click on the Generate CSR link ( for more help on generating CSRs for several hosting companies
16. Check the box to agree to the SSL Certificate Subscriber Agreement
17. Click the Submit button to complete the reissue process
18. Provide your new hosting provider or service provider the new information provided to you
Contact GeoTrust support at 1-866-436-8787 or 1-520-477-3152, if you encounter problems with any of the steps related to the GeoTrust interface
If you have questions about these two SSL migration options, you can contact the ProStores tech support team at 1-866-643-4929, option 1, through January 31, 2015.
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